Thursday, June 25, 2009

Untuk Ratu

Ratuku, ingin ku luahkan apa yang sudah lama ingin ku luahkan, tentang kebimbangan ku ini tatkala melihat bunga2 berguguran, dipetik tangan2 yang ganas lagi bernafsu serakah
Ratuku, kebimbanganku ini masih menebal apabila ku dengar dengungan kumbang perosak yang cuba menyedut madumu walau tanpa relamu
Ratuku, kebimbanganku bertambah lagi bila ku melihat bunga yang tak segan silu, melampiaskan kecantikannya ketika sedang mekar, melupakan kuntuman yang sebelum ini melindunginya
Ratuku, aku masih terpinga-pinga, masih wujudkah lagi ratu idaman hatiku, kerana apa yang kulihat hari ini semakin banyak bunga2 gugur, bagaikan tibanya musim luruh
Ratuku, bukanlah ku harap kau segigih Siti Hawa yang berlari-lari antara Safa dan Marwah, bukan juga sesetia Ainul Mardhiyah menanti kekasih di pintu syurga
Ratuku, akuilah hakikat yang tersurat, engkau bukanlah Siti Khadijah mahupun Siti Fatimah, engkau bukan A’ishah, bukan juga Rabia’tul Adawiyyah wanita suci terpuji, kerana aku tidak layak berharap sedemikian rupa, cukuplah sekadar kau cuba mencontohi bunga2 itu, kembang mekar mewangi sehingga harumannya melewati pintu2 syurga
Jangan kau risau ratuku, kadangkala musim berganti sehingga bunga tak dapat berkembang mekar tapi itu hanya ujian buatmu
Ratuku, esok musim bunga pasti akan tiba dan kau akan mampu berkembang lagi, Cuma yang kuharapkan ketika itu kau jaga kelopakmu itu, jangan sampai tangan2 kasar memetikmu lagi, jangan goda kumbang2 ganas menghisap madu, jangan biarkan gagak2 hitam itu merosakkan serimu, kerana kau ratu idaman kalbu
Ratuku, aku bukanlah memandang kecantikanmu, walaupun kadangkala aku tertarik memandangmu, tapi bukan itu yang kuharapkan, aku yakin ratuku masih ada sinar harapan yang bisa membuatku tersenyum lega kerana akan ku temui ratu idaman hati......
jadikan Ayat Kursi sebagai amalan......InsyaAllah kt akn dilindungi dr segala bahaya....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Life

My name is Sarah. When I was 6 years old, like other children, I went to a kindergarten school named Tadika Aulad Centre situated at Bandar Baru Bangi. The kindergarten was not far from my house. My mom told me that when I was at my first day at kindergarten, I cried because I refused to go to the kindergaten. My mom felt very worried to leave me at the kindergarten. That time I questioned why I must attend kindergaten. After a while, I made friends and with friendly teachers I enjoyed being at my kindergaten.

When I was 7 years old, from standard one, I went to school with my sister. Both of us had our own bicycles. One day whilst ridding with my sister I suddenly knocked against two other cyclists. I was so embarrased. My sister was quick to apologize to them. My sister said that she felt ashamed because I didn't say anything despite my carelessness. I must have been too panic to even utter a word then. My sister is a sister in need and indeed.

When I was in standard one until standard six, I went to two schools in a day. In the morning until afternoon, I went to “Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Jalan 3” and in the evening, I went to “Sekolah Agama Tahfiz Abim”. During that time, I felt very tired and sometimes I asked myself why my parents sent me to the two schools. As I matured in life, I realized that those were for my own good.

From form one to Form five, I also went to a school near our house. After Form five, with my SPM results, I got an offer from CFS and I accepted it. When my first day in CFS, I was so happy as I had been yearning to live there as I had never been to a boarding school and stayed away from my family. Though I felt scared that day, it was different eventually when I met new friends in CFS as they were very nice, kind and helpful person. When I was in PJ, I stayed in a room with 8 people in it. Even though with 8 people, I felt very happy to live there with beautiful friends like Fardila, Arina, Nurin, Rokiah, Ema, Atirah and Shahirah to name a few. They were very nice, kind and helpful person. The thing that I shall never forget about them was our friendship where we motivated each other and really helped each other in studying and during exam period. After one semester in PJ, Arts student had to move to Nilai and I was one of them. When I first heard about Nilai, I felt very happy because it only takes 15 minutes from my house to reach Nilai. Yet at the same time, I felt very sad because Nilai is not like PJ or Kuala Lumpur with shopping complex like KLCC, Mid Valley and others where it is only a distance away for us to visit and release our tension over the weekends..............Well, that virtually was not a problem as I still get to go to those places with my family who loves to go outting over the weekends.

That's all for the moment. After this I will write about Nilai campus. :) Take care and may ALLAH BLESS US ALL ALWAYS. SALAM.